All right..I got here. Now I have to add something that makes sense
[edit]Logging and tracing
//Will have to add a reference to System.ServiceProcess.dll System.ServiceController sc = new System.ServiceController("ServiceName", "MachineName"); if(sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { sc.Stop(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped); } else if(sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped || sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending) { sc.Start(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running); }
Addin for VS.NET
//Create a VS.NET add in project from Extensible Projects //add code to Exec function which will be executed when the user clicks the menu item in tools //following code shows how to add custom messages to OutputWindow of VS.NET //everything will be available from EnvDTE Window outPut = applicationObject.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindOutput); outPut.Activate(); OutputWindow ow = (OutputWindow)outPut.Object; OutputWindowPanes oo = ow.OutputWindowPanes; OutputWindowPane op = oo.Add("My Custom Title"); //shows up as title in the output window op.Activate(); //opens the output window if it is minimized op.OutputString("add anything here"); //shows up in the ouput window
Message queueing
[edit]Architecture & design
[edit]School of software architecture
[edit]School of Software Architecture (SSA) is an abstract thought that relates to a school that is dedicated to Software Architecture discipline. The idea is to provide guidance to experienced programmers to become a Software Architect. Ideally, the school would recruit smart programmers with real world programming experience and teach them various aspects of Software Architecture irrespective of the technology they are working in and provide them with expert guidance in Architecting some real time problems.
It would be nice, if the companies sponsor events and encourage students with seminars, on-site expert sessions just like any other institution.
There can be several specializations in Software Architecture. For example: Integration Architect, Application Architect, Business Process Automation Architect, Human Workflow Architect etc.
Spicy noodles
[edit]Articles etc.
[edit]ThinkTecture Resources ThougtWorks
[edit]The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security by Keith Brown